Name: Blind DATE sample pack No.1
Year: hidden
Weight: 10×10 grams
Country of origin: hidden
this sample pack I prepared several times for one of my local tea friend, he liked still likes to sample teas without reviews, ideas, thoughts or other mind constracts so that I thought to create for others too meant to be as a learning material and also having fun with a guessing game while drinking these teas, the mind tends to find an answer what tea this is it I am drinking but I suggest just to drink the teas, keep or not keep notes it up to you, I believe the best teas stays in our memories even without notes
the key for this sample set can be sent on request anytime you feel so, I will prepare several sets so that the keys can’t be shared
drink tea, have fun and relax withouth an idea of price, review or what someone said about this tea
this set includes sheng pu-erh teas, pressed bings not maochas
Názov: Blind DATE sample pack No.1
Hmotnosť: 10 x 10 gramov
Podrobnosti: (v angličtine)
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