Content and size of the cup:
80 ml (measured a bit under the brim),
diameter 7,3 cm, height 4,7 cm
About this piece:
A porcelain, carbon trapping technique, woodfired teacup with light crystals seen in the glaze, going form light grey to darkes shades. Especially the half of the inside of the cup contains so nice crystals, very fine. I would say this is the nicest of this series.
A lightly distorted with robust character, just right size, sitting well on the table.
The Matteo’s pieces made from porcelain and woodfired gives a very ‘honest’ and pronounced tasting results.
This piece is one of the few that came out of the kiln just perfect, no distortion, a great colouring, no big ash sediments had to be removed. These pieces were fired several days with very high temperature in a woodfired anagama kiln.
Made in Swiss mountain village and woodfired in Toscany, Italy.
Matteo Riccardo Bosisio
Obsah a rozmery misky:
80 ml (odmerané trocha pod vrchný okraj),
priemer 7,3 cm, výška 4,7 cm
O tomto kúsku:
Pekne formovaná s jemným pokrivením, porcelánová, drevom pálená, s tieňová uhlíkovým zafarbením. Jemné kryštáliky v glazúre. Obzvlášť na vnútornej strane.
Stredná hrúbka stien, pekne sedí na stole, hra rôzne šedi glazúry.
Matteové porcelánové (tento porcelán pochádza z gréckeho ostrova) kúsky vypálené drevom dávajú čaju veľmi pravdivú a zvýraznenú chuť čaju.
Výrobené v švajčiarskej horskej dedinke a drevom vypálene v Toskánsku, Taliansku.
Matteo Riccardo Bosisio
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