Content and size of the cup:
65 ml (measured a bit under the brim),
diameter (longest) 6,6 cm, (shortest) 5,6 cm, height 4,1 cm
About this piece:
A twisted boat shaped woodfired, natural ash sediments, woodfired cup with additional inside glaze for better tasting experience.
Shiny brown going to grey outside colouring with a cross sign of Matteo.
The inside transparent glaze gives an very fine taste of tea.
Made in Swiss mountain village and woodfired in Toscany, Italy.
Matteo Riccardo Bosisio
Obsah a rozmery misky:
65 ml (odmerané trocha pod vrchný okraj),
priemer (najdlhší) 6,6 cm, (najkratší) 5,6 cm, výška 4,1 cm
O tomto kúsku:
Miska ide tvaru loďky, je drevom pálená s pridávnou transparetno glazúrou.
The inside transparent glaze gives an very fine taste of tea.
Vnútorna prídavna glazúra prispieva k tomu že čaj chutí jemne a delikátne.
Výrobené v švajčiarskej horskej dedinke a drevom vypálene v Toskánsku, Taliansku.
Matteo Riccardo Bosisio
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