Content and size of the cup:
70 ml (measured a bit under the brim),
diameter (longest) 6,3 cm, height 3,9 cm
About this piece:
An antique like earthware teacup with various shades of grey, inside redish tone contrasting with dark brown and grey.
This cup survived all the heat and stay pretty roundly shaped. Old ageing notes of older sheng puerh teas are nicely pronounced.
Made in Swiss mountain village and woodfired in Toscany, Italy.
Matteo Riccardo Bosisio
Obsah a rozmery misky:
70 ml (odmerané trocha pod vrchný okraj),
priemer (najdlhší) 6,3 cm, výška 3,9 cm
O tomto kúsku:
Miska pálena drevom s odtieňmi modrej, červenej a hnedej.
Výrobené v švajčiarskej horskej dedinke a drevom vypálene v Toskánsku, Taliansku.
Matteo Riccardo Bosisio
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