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Fragrance of Korean Organic Hand-made Green Tea

Why korean green tea? I was just thinking about my affection to korean tea this morning. It might be maybe because its processing is very similar to making the material for pu-erh tea.

July 17, 2017

Fragrance of Korean Organic Hand-made Green Tea

Why korean green tea? I was just thinking about my affection to korean tea this morning. It might be maybe because its processing is very similar to making the material for pu-erh tea.

July 17, 2017

Fragrance of Korean Organic Hand-made Green Tea

Why korean green tea? I was just thinking about my affection to korean tea this morning. It might be maybe because its processing is very similar to making the material for pu-erh tea.

July 17, 2017



Andrzej Bero

The wild-instructions for the preparation of a dark green Pu-erhu is the same. In this way, Pu-erh tea in the majority of farmers in Yunnan and tea merchants. Cakes molded traditionally a stony press as just that, it is usually possible to discuss in layers. Use of kitchen knife with a thin blade that slides into the cake horizontally until the neodelia continuous layer of tea leaves. Sometimes it used a blunt knife letter openers The wild-instructions for the preparation of a dark green Pu-erhu is the same. In this way, Pu-erh tea in the majority of farmers in Yunnan and tea merchants. Cakes molded traditionally a stony press as just that, it is usually possible.


Article Title Long

Introduction Pu-erhové tea leaves are very tough and resistant to high temperatures. Especially in archival Pu-erhoch, stored for many years we strive to boiling water at any one left. It has been countless guides as you prepare Pu-erh and I will describe the one I used to see mostly in Yunnan.

The wild-instructions for the preparation of a dark green Pu-erhu is the same. In this way, Pu-erh tea in the majority of farmers in Yunnan and tea merchants. Cakes molded traditionally a stony press as just that, it is usually possible to discuss in layers. Use of kitchen knife with a thin blade that slides into the cake horizontally until the neodelia continuous layer of tea leaves. Sometimes it used a blunt knife letter openers.

To 1.5 Decov pot use about 4-5 grams of tea. Gush Pu erhy can withstand at least 10 to 12 leaching, therefore use the least volume pot. Number leaching or encapsulation depends on the number of tickets and duration of leaching. Gush amount used tea leaves can be reduced to three grams, due to the concentrated content of substances contained in them.

1 jug, gaiwan, a tea container play rinsing with hot water.

2. Pour the tea leaves into the pot. We'll leave them a while to warm up and smell the.

3. Pour leaves a small amount of hot water (95 C). Immediately we pour off the water and rinse it or Zlievačiky tea and tea cups. This process we can repeat two times. Rinsed again smell the leaves.

4. After washing and waking up the tea leaves and fill the pot with fresh hot water. Lúhujeme about 30 to 45 seconds, tea broth rozlejeme into tea cups. One other possible variation is the preparation that is the brine with the following pour off together and then serve.

5. The length of the other three of six to leaching is repeated for 45 seconds .. The following sauces are extending to taste, for about 1 minute and a half.

The water content, tickets, leaching time we change and adapt and taste of tea. Tea leaves from different areas react differently to the length of the left.


Peter Stanik
Hortobadska 433/58
93012 Ohrady
pu-erh@pu-erh.sk +421 949 612 674

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