Marunanbu Itome
1,4 liter
About this piece:
An iron casted kettle, the inside of the kettle is not enameled.
The tetsubin is made by an old Master Sato who I met personally. During the past 6 years I tried various tetsubins made by different craftsmen and I find Mr. Sato ones as a best suiting iron kettle for pu-erh teas.
The size might come to many people as too big but I never fill the tetsubin with more then and 0,5 – 0.6 litters of water. I add / refresh water after each one or two brews.
These tetsubin might get more or less rust with age but this is no bad.
There is a story once I visited Mr. Sato and asked him to brew tea with his tetsubin. He took a very rusty tetsubin and put it on charcoal. Then he brewed sencha tea for us. I thought that this would kill the taste of this green tea but on the contrary the tea was delicious.
All tetsubins qualify for FREE shipping so with such heavy items it is around 30 and more Euro you save.
Sato Katsuyoshi
1947 Born in Mizusawa county, in Oshu city Iwate prefecture
1963 Studied under his father Sató Susumi who is a master of Nambu tetsubs in Iwate prefecture. In the same year he takes over a family tetsubin workshop and he fully dedicates in making tetsubins.
2000 Officially certified as master of traditional Nambu iron products.
He makes a lot of tetsubins with sakura theme and he works on promotion of local tetsubins. He has a special technique of tetsubin finish/colouring.
Marunanbu Itome
1,4 litra
Železná liatinová varná konvica, nesmaltovaná.
O autorovi:
Sato Katsuyoshi
1947 Narodený v okrese Mizusawa v meste Óšu v prefektúre Iwate
1963 Študoval pod svojim otcom Sató Susumom, ktorý je majstrom Nambu tetsubinov v prefektúre Iwate. V rovnakom roku preberá rodinnú tetsubinovú dielňu a naplno sa oddáva výrobe tetsubinov.
2000 Je oficiálne certifikovaný ako majster tradičných Nambu produktov zo železa.
Výrabá veľa tetsubinov s motívom sakury a usiluje sa taktiež o propagáciu lokálnych tetsubinov. Má špeciálnu techniku farbenia kanvíc.
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