a porcelain cup
I have just found one cup different to other even they seemed to be the same.
The newer, from the new batch of Lin’s porcelain one I had a few cups of tea from yesterday. Just thought just for the sake of the IG story even they are the same build as I had before.
Ohh the tea taste great, the experience is ‘better’.
Let me compare them (the new batch and one from the last year batch), they seem identical, I mean the shape, size, so then the painting makes it different, that’s why the tea is better out of it.
Haha, what a great thing, various paintings offer different taste experience. This thought is too ‘ezoteric’ then I thought to weight the cup and I found out that the newer was 0.6 grams lighter so they fine tune it. I can’t believe that. The weight of the new one is 36,2 grams, not even a gram lighter that the other.
Further I was doing the pricing of these Lin’s cups and see that these little so called old style gong fu (not so round, distorted) cups are most expensive.
Getting to know that the higher price is mainly due to the cup shape, form, build. One would say what an insignificant thing, just a bit of weight, a bit of other curve, not round but egg shape.
The tea out of it today is so fragrant, can’t belive it.
Some cups are good for this tea and some for other. Such a small unnoticed ‘features’ can make such ‘big’ differences.