a tea master in each of us
there is no set of instructions of pu-erh preparation, follow your heart, simply relax and make your tea, make it as you were a tea master, focus simply on tea, set you mind to a mode 'I do tea now and I will enjoy this tea'
I wrote these notes for all of you finding your ‘correct’ way of making tea. Don’t struggle with your tea rather have your heart handle it. The tea will give you an elevated state of mind. Then comes the ease that will guide your hands.
Make notes on tea bags or a slip of paper that you will stick on the tea bag, don’t bother if do not know what this and that taste resembles to, simply you may note, this is good, bad, smooth, bitter, sweets etc, these simple notes will serve only as a little help in the future, a help if your senses were right, mainly they would be.
How to make tea? there is no set of instructions of pu-erh preparation, follow your heart, simply relax and make your tea, make it as you were a tea master, focus simply on tea, set you mind to a mode ‘I do tea now and I will enjoy this tea’ no pressure if you make it right or not, you are not at school anymore.
Too many words in mind, plentyful taste and aromas labeling in your mind, better to focus on feelings you have, notice the state of your mind when you start to make your tea, stage by stage your mindset will change, is the mindset the same at the end of session? Even the words will come, don’t bother with them, have them as your friends and if you won’t give me them a chair to sit down then they will go as they came.
Body and mind are connected, notice your body feelings, its tension and its gradual relaxing through your tea session, your mind will send waves of ease through your veins and the muscles will loosen.
The pace of tea drinking will start to slow down, all your body movements, you tune in a natural pace where your tea is enjoyable and its right there with you and you are with it
The teaware, connect with the teaware you use, simply touch gently the pot, the cup, feel them, it is good to have not mass produced teaware, rather things that were created by hands not machines, be there with the objects and feel their accumulated energy, its purpose, their beauty.
Choosing the next tea won’t be easier as now, no need to think which tea made me most happy, most relaxed, there won’t be a same tea a same pleasant feeling I had before, don’t try to bring back the same moments from the past, they are gone, there is no past, no future, only here and now, no need to answer these questions, simply notice them and then have your choice, the mind and body feelings will be your guide, a master and a teacher